London Roads ~ Block 43 ~ QAL

Hello quilting friends. Today’s quilting freebie is called London Roads. This block has a lot of pieces and the pieces are not your average ruler cut sizes. You will need to download the templates.

If you are following along with the color scheme of the pic below, this requires two shades of purple and a teal. As I was making this during our sit and sew, everyone commented how lovely these colors married together. I made my arrows go counterclockwise….ooops, but it has the same affect. Since this is a 9 patch all the squares/subunits are 2 1/2 inches. The small triangles in the corner are not quite cut using the easy angle ruler from a 2 inch strip. You could get away with cutting it that dimension and then trimming the excess off. The bars are the weird dimension. As long as you trim each of the squares after sewing, you will do fine!

When printing these off measure square D. It should measure at 2 1/2 inches. If it does not, adjust your printer settings.

And here is the link to all the blocks. I recommend bookmarking that page (in case I forget to link it here in future blogposts)

And here is how mine turned out. Have fun playing with color! And thanks for reading my blog!

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