Flight Free Motion Style

Howdy to you on this lovely Tuesday!  I hope all is well!

I have a finish!  My jelly roll that was a blowout sale for $15 is now a finished quilt.  This is the perfect quilt for a baby boy.

I chose to quilt this using the quotation bubble.  I do not know what to call this pattern.  I guess I can call it finish and you can “quote” me on that!

Interested in seeing the continuous line in the free motion of quilting this top?  Check out the video here.  This is a very friendly movement.  Next time you have a jelly roll loaded on a frame, give this effort a try.

flight quilting

Here it is as a whole with scraps leftover from the backing to complete the binding edges.

Doesn’t the grass/weeds look so plush?

And I did not have enough of one fabric, so I found a gray.  I was surprised that 4 yds of fabric was not enough.  So I had a scrap of red, about two yards, but only half of it.  I guess I used the other half but don’t remember.  Wait, perhaps this was stuff I bought at a fellow quilters estate sale.flightbaxck

So the flight patterned fabric on the front I had to continue on the back.  Blueprints of planes which I bought over a year ago, just waiting for someone to announce a little boy. Finally it is purged from my stash, set for its’ new home.

I am in the mood to sew another jelly roll, but my stash is completely bankrupt of jelly rolls.

I have a package coming tomorrow of Kaffe Fasset scraps, 12 lbs worth and cannot wait to see the glory!

I have loaded my Brick Street quilt top on the longarm and am mixing pantograph (newly acquired) with free motion.  I really like doing free motion, but know I need to practice at the back of the machine.  So practice I shall.


My goals are all being exceeded this week.  And all is well.  Just dropping in to show some progress.  May you find much progress in the coming week, and thank you for reading my blog!


On The Wild Side!

Life has wild aspects.  Everything is ho-hum and then all of a sudden you are riding a roller coaster that you failed to plan for, never saw coming, and after the ride just plain makes ya sick.  Life has these wild swings.  We deal.  We cope.  We exist.  We live.  Life goes on.

I am in the ho-hum aspect finally.  There are no sudden mood swings in life lately and it has been so nice.  From Dec until Feb, things kept coming our way and the only thing we could do was go on and strive to get to the ho-hum back.  Thank Goodness for ho-hum.

In reviewing my goals from last weeks post, I am sooooo there.  I am right on top of them checking them off.  Feeling satisfied, pleased.

For those of you that missed my last post, I met another milestone….A finish!  I named this one Pickin’ Daisies, and I am pleased to say that the new owners love it!

pickin daisies

My goals from last week were as follows:

  • Start to quilt a baby quilt (see finish above)
  • Upload video of quilt (click here to watch that video)
  • Quote a price for a customer quilt.
    • They have not called me back and therefore cannot make this happen on my time only.
  • Cut some 5 inch black squares from yardage for a future fabric swap I am in

So in the goal dept, I am there with ampleness!  In addition to setting/making these goals, I have also managed to tat another good 10 inches of lanyard.  And I have tied some ends in on the tatting from the previous week.

Goal dept for next week:

  • Sew a backing for another baby quilt
  • Start quilting that baby quilt
  • Upload video of free motion quilting of that quilt
  • Cut a few more black squares
  • tat a few more inches on my lanyard

Now back to the wild side of life, doesn’t this black busy fabric represent the wildest stash I could possible use for neutrals?  This looks like fun, and when I snapped the photo I am surprised how muted these are as compared to real life.  This will go with whatever is thrown into my queue at that swap.  Ready for the roller coaster to be stitched right with this fabric!


I have been asked to get pictures of the new baby kittens, and will make that a goal as well.

Let the weekend commence!  Have a good one, and thanks for reading my blog!



Pickin’ Daisies

Spring is in full swing!  It finally failed to rain on a Saturday!  Everything is green, everything is good!

I have a finish to share and it is only Monday-yay!

This baby quilt is comprised from half square triangles, leftover from jewel box stars flambe.  They have just been quietly waiting to be used, sitting on the sewing table.  And use them I did.  This quilt is nothing fancy, but completely scrappy.  The parents to be loved it!  They love the fact that I made it for them and that I incorporated agriculture, engineering, the pledge of alligence…”It is true Americana” said proud Dad to be of 4, with 5th on the way.  He said I captured the essence of the family and loves that I put so much thought into it.  I told him I have the fabric stash to make it happen, all of those things he spoke of coming together (Sshhhhh……without any thought on my part as it is just accidental fabric) worked!  I am happy he liked it so much and was worried about topping the last one I made for him.  That one turned out so pretty I did not want to give it away.


Before quilting above.


During quilting on the frame, a bunch of daisies, leaves and squiggles.  A fast free motion effort!  Curious to see free motion quilting of this?  Check out my youtube channel, or click here to see the video.


And here it is all bound, scrappy style as well.  Much fabric has moved out of my stash in the last 6 months, I can actually tell a difference as it is easier to shop through!  (someone  at the Toga retreat is the new owner of the backing fabric.  I removed just enough to quilt this and the rest of the bolt was donated to raise money for all efforts related to Toga)

I keep window shopping online for fabric and nothing really appeals to me right now.  I am certain when it rains, it will pour….and then I will be in the poor house because of fabric replacement purchases.

Now I am off to finish made from scratch chicken and dumplings and to acheive the few more goals for the week.  I look forward to your comments so feel free to leave one, and thank you for reading my blog!





One Fourth

Can you believe that 1/4th of the year is almost gone?  The older I get, the faster it goes.

time motion round clock
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Last week I did not set any goals.  I am really liking the idea of setting a goal, and using that as a measurement tool for progress.  Most of my projects have no deadline, which kind of flatlines the excitement and stymy’s productivity.  Most of the weeks I have done this, I have met, exceeded or missed meeting my goals by a small tad.

As I was recapping about Toga last week, I was full blown sick (why I set no goals).  It started with sinus drainage and an extreme sore throat and manifested into more than 5 days of watery eyes, throat and sinus inflammation, and then a dry cough developed.  I did not miss any work, but Monday after coughing so much all day, it wore me out.  I feel 90% better, but this has taken a tole on any productivity in the sewing dept.  I am one who likes to keep my hands busy, and 4 whole days of no sewing, left me restless and sick.  I decided to get out my tatting shuttles and tat.  This is sooooo relaxing, calming, soothing.  It was nice to produce and not be wore out further after an 8 hour work day.

I have decided to make a lanyard and started that yesterday.


I am going to take this with me where ever I go and work on it when I can.  This is one side and I will continue to the other side as time goes by.  I just love tatting!  I made many flowers this week as well, including one with a failed join.

tattingtatting 2tatting3

The join was a good join just on the wrong picot.  Note all of my work needs me to take a needle and weave the ends in, that will happen this week sometime.


A very unsymmetrical bloom, but it is just thread, I can make others that will be right as rain.  This one I guess you could call it wilted.

Even though I was sick last weekend I got all my bricks sewn together in 4 large strips.

Now they are all one, and I am loving this scraptacular, simple quilt top!  For those of you keeping your scraps, all these are….strips of fabric all cut to the same size.  This is perfect utilization of left over bindings, unused jelly roll strips, and scraps all made the same size.  I will probably make another, but want more scrap variety.


I signed up for a charm swap.  I will be swapping 64 five inch squares with friends.  There is also a demonstration of how to put the 64 different prints with 48 neutrals.  That is a mystery and will be explained at the swap.  If we so choose to proceed, it will end up being a lap sized quilt.  I will make mine bigger, but the jury is still out if I am going to use those charms as the instructed block, or to proceed in a different unknown direction.


On the quilting frame, yesterday I finished up my moms quilt.  I learned some valuable lessons with this one.

  • older sheets had selvage edges, walmart sheets do not.  That means the edges have to be removed as you cannot roll it on the longarm and keep parallel/square and equally taught.
  • walmart sheets because they are not utilizing a selvage edge are NOT SQUARE!
  • I will refuse work using any sheets as backing.

I am learning as I go, and when I loaded this quilt, I kept scratching my head as one side was the proper length to place on my leaders, and one way was either too short, or so close to the length of the quilt that I thought It just might work.  It did not, I was about half an inch to short in only some spots (hence the non-squareness of a walmart sheet). I called my customer (yes…my biggest fan too, Mom)  and asked how she calculated the dimensions of the sheet backing.  She said she did not measure the quilt and just bought a sheet that she thought was the correct size.  So, unfinished it had to be removed off the frame, a new strip added to one end, reloaded, quilted for about 15 minutes and then removed.

People, when you pass off your quilts to a longarmer you have to have due diligence.  You have to measure and keep your part of the contract.  That being the requirement of 4 extra inches all the way around quilt top.  If this ever happens again, It will either be a full charge, sent home with the patron, unfinished for the same price, or an additional charge where they bring fabric, and I up-charge like the dickens to sew that strip on, and then another up-charge to load it and finish it.

As a longarmer, if there is any question about backing size, I will not load the quilt.  It will be kicked back to the owner, and they will lose their quilting place in line as their punishment.  Thanks Mom for preparing me for this sort of future customer catastrophe (you are still parenting me whether you know it or not, still preparing me for my future).  I am wiser, and it was worth it.  🙂

Goals for the week:

  • start to Quilt a baby quilt
  • upload video of quilting that quilt
  • quote a price for a customer about making a tshirt quilt, and then quote a price for the quilting.  (this person has been waiting for me to say yes for years, I hope to make it worth both our wiles)
  • Cut some 5 inch black squares (48 total) in preparing for the swap event at the begining of June

In other more Caturday style news, we have even more kittens!  Four more arrived mid week.  The ones born about 2 1/2 weeks ago have their eyes open and are beginning to roam.  They are so cute!

Today I have a bbq beef brisket to serve and will be cooking a nice meal, hopefully this will lead to leftovers for lunches, but probably not.  I am looking forward to the coming week as my energy is restored!  Thanks for stopping in and reading my blog!


TOGA 2019 continued

I am still on cloud nine from last weekends retreat to Lone Oak Texas!  A wonderful giving group of people spreading the love, vintage machine style.  Again, I must say that my recollection of this fantastic event put into text does not capture the utter essence of its greatness.  I am still marveling over the amazing things I saw.  Did you catch my last post of 2019 Toga?  Toga stands for treadle on gathering academy and it is just that, vintage machines and the people who own them, sell them, oil them, doctor them, demo them…..and on and on and on.  🙂


The above picture represents the raffle at the close of Toga.  How it works, everyone who attends brings as much stuff as they wish to donate to raise money for the Treadle group to host it at a retreat center.

Table and tables of garage sale stuff, some crafting related or sewing related, and some not so much.  Lots of unwanted junk that you get to take home (everyone snickers about this)

Last year, I knew nothing of how this worked so I did not buy but two raffle tickets.  When you purchase a raffle ticket, it gets dropped into the drum, and they empty the tables by calling out the name you wrote on the ticket (which next year I am thinking I am going to write someone else’s name HAHAHA).  Each time your name is called you go up to the tables and snatch a goody, whichever you want.  Towards the end of this, the very unwanted stuff remains, and you get to take it home with you.  Last year my name was called about 10 times and I DID NOT buy that many tickets.

If all the tickets are called and there are things still left on the table, they start the drum over and call names until every last bit is gone.

I ended up with some trash, some keep, some gift away, and some the jury is still out on HA.  I did not end up with the pin cushion above, but I did walk out with one.  What I thought was neat about this, someone kept their cat food container, which was perfectly sized for a small tomato pincushion to drop into.  They then made a cloth quilted flower and attached it to the top.  Cute!  There were also some chenille potholders I would just love to have, but someone beat me to it.


I ended up with a root bitters bottle.  What the heck is that?  I also ended up with a a true scale real looking snail that is ceramic and made in Japan, neat but what am I going to do with it.  To neat to trash, to weird/unknown to know how to use it.  I ended up with a quilt top in pretty bad shape.  The gingham seemed to be the culprit of unraveling causing block failure.  The good thing about this top, I can make some repairs and will put it on the longarm to transform it and finish someone else’s antique UFO LOL.  I ended up with fabric from the raffle table, all of that is usable.  And I even purchased some fat quarters.  Along with those, I also purchased a new spool pin doily that is black and gold which matches my featherweight perfectly.  Last years and this years are now on my machine LOL.


And it looks like my featherweight needs to be cleaned.  My little work horse I named Abacus because I can really count on him (get it, it is so punny!).  He has sewn all of my quilts since July of this year.

Like I said Abacus is a real work horse.  I named him a male name on purpose since other men just don’t wanna work.  And the men I have had in my life did not work out, probably because they would not work….hence the ability to count on something manly.  So be it a machine of petite proportions!


Ana did a neat fat quarter bag using two fat quarters sewn right sides together and folded as you see the minion one on the table, then folded again as you see the Ella one on the top of that.  Running a ribbon for a drawing string into the casing made create a quick, clever little bag.  I thought it was so neat to see the other fat quarter peaking through to get a neat affect.  Ooooo the things I could put into these.


Dr. Lisa gave a wonderful demonstration how to make a drawstring backpack (very trendy right now).  During her demo, she forgot her scissors, borrowed a pair.  With her first snip had to stop and bandage as she cut herself.  Now, this is not really funny, as we have all done this.  But oh my goodness, to have a good laugh about it right then is just what the dr ordered!  Bandaged and ready to go to the next step.  I may try to make one of these, hopefully there will be no bloodshed.  😉


And dang it, I did take more photos of this demo and none of them turned out right.  I must have accidentally touched the touch screen of the camera and did not realize it, which put the rest of the pictures of this class into a funk.  Sorry.  Technology sometimes makes me scream (another reason to really like vintage machines!)

While in a demonstration, something amazing happened.  When I came out and put my papers from the class onto my sewing machine, there was this laying there in it’s once barren throat.  The word gift written the bag that housed a manual from an old Domestic treadle machine that resembled my machine, but was a tad different.  A lovely thing to come upon totally by surprise and anonymously at that!  This is truly part of the toga experience, to feel the embrace with no touching.  To know others like you are everywhere, and can surprise you by the simplest of things.  I am still in awe of this kind gesture.  Thank you whoever you are!  It is a treasure!

Someone came and demonstrated a spinning wheel.  We all got to see woolen fleece turned into yarn.  My goodness the capture of my shutter speed of the camera really has got me to thinking how many RPMs does thing do?  A simple mechanical energy device that can spin so fast.  Interested in seeing this Live Action?  I captured a video and uploaded it to my channel on youtube


And there was the fantastic block swap.  This block is perfectly sewn by a hand crank machine!!!!!!!

So Quilty or unquilty news here.  I have not posted anything of mine in almost three weeks!  But that does not mean I have not been busy.


Meet Palmer, one of 5 new kittens.  The 6th one passed yesterday.,  Isn’t this so adorable, and then they grow up and get attitude, or should I say cat-itude!


Here is my leader ender I am currently working, and it is to the point of not really being a leader ender anymore, it is in lots of stripy sets that just need to all come together.  I can’t wait to get this one done.


I am quilting this for my Mom.  It is a simple geometric pattern of rectangles and squares.  I thought why not match some of that orange fabric and make circles that meander all over, so that is what I did.  I learned some valuable lessons with quilting this, which I will share when it is done.  And no I did not make my goal of uploading a quilting video of this.  This thing had, shall we say, a wardrobe malfunction.  I will get into more of that in my next post.


This week I stopped into the local goodwill and saw this on the table and priced at $25.  The sign said tested and works.  So I bought it and seeing someone have a Singer 403A at Toga this year, I knew how to clean it and somewhat take it apart.  So that is what I did last night.  I have no cams for it, but I will probably never use them.  I am in awe of the perfect stitches and tension it has and makes.  And believe me, it DEFINITELY needed a good cleaning.  While in cleaning mode, I also lubed it up and oiled.  Ready to go another million miles.  This may lead to some free motion quilting trys.  It only came with one bobbin.  Does anyone know what size bobbin this takes?

The remaining trees in the backyard finally are firewood.  I am sad as these two trees were about 100 ft tall, but they were poplars.  Poplars, as they age get large amounts of sapwood in their core.  Sapwood is between the layer of bark and the first growth ring.  Poplars center ring expand into sapwood and before you know it, the strength of the tree is compromised.  For safety reasons we had them taken down.  Here is an example of what I am talking about.  The smallest wood being the strongest, the largest being the weakest.  The weakest part is at the ground.


In the last 3 years I have had two healthy looking trees just fall over.  This gave clues as to the remaining trees and their fall potential.  It was a large cost, but I was worried about someone getting hurt, or either one falling on my house or a neighboring house.  I will miss their shade for several summers.  Now since we left just the last 6 ft base, a perfect place for a hammock.

And in last weeks post I showed some beautiful vintage sewing machines and in my editing of photos found a forgotten one.  Some sewing eye candy for you sewing machine enthusiasts.

vintage machine

I have a mess of things that need tending too, so I will refrain from making a goals list in the quilting dept this week.  Next weekend I should have a couple more shares either finishes for me or my Mom.

From all you block swappers in last years toga, here is the quilt I made using those blocks.


I quilted this in all feathers and can’t wait for the quilt hop in town to show it to the masses.  Perhaps I will enter this in the Sulphur Springs Quilt Show.  This is simply named Spools.  The toga blocks are on the right and left sides of this twin sized quilt.  All the leftover HSTs forming the sides at two opposing corners.  A bunch of cheddar in between.  It is saying CHEEEESE!

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, I sure would love to hear from you.  Please leave a comment in the comment section.  May happiness rise to meet you in the coming week.  Later Taters!



TOGA! 2019 Texas

Toga, short for Treadle on Gathering Academy, has come to a close.  I will have to wait a WHOLE year for it to come back around.  Surrounded by like minded people, having a passion for old sewing machines, led to great, easy conversation, the pass of knowledge, the successes of repair and maintainence, and fun and laughter.

This year there were some new faces and enjoyed meeting them and hearing their stories, as well as seeing friends from last years Toga.  I am not sure where to start, it was much to take in, regurgitate and capture text with the essence of this event.

I suppose I will go a picture at a time.

Operation Classroom Placemat, Dorise taught us how to take a placemat and turn it into a purse organizer, a storage project pouch, a mini wallet, Zipper bag….and I know I am forgetting some.  Since the edges are already finished on a placemat, her tutorial was a clever easy project to make ordinary, extrodinary!  NICE!

This was not the only demonstration, many followed including my toothbrush rug demo. I will get to that in a moment.  But what I want to show you were the vintage sewing machines a girl could easily lust for!!!!  Simply beautiful, works of art, masterpieces of mechanical energy.  Thank you fore fathers for building such a great, long lasting era of product, nothing will ever compare!


There were treadles, hand cranks, and old electrified machines.  Stunning!  I must admit there was something special to admire on each one.  On Sharon’s hand crank machine pictured two above, she had beautiful decals, and my goodness left me wanting her seam guide and a tension stop push button feature (I had never heard of this and was intrigued).  I need to find me one of those, the machine and the seam guide!


A couple of snapshots of a moment in time of those attending from behind the food bar, to front and center.  Hi members!

sewing machine repair undersidesewing machine repaiur

This is why I come to TOGA, all the repair work.  I was amazed they figured out what was wrong with this machine.  For an unknown reason at the beginning it would not pick up the bobbin thread properly, and if I recall correctly would cause the thread to get stuck behind the hook/race mechanism.  Well it is now fixed, and I am in total amazement.  The Doctors figured out that the mechanism was partially missing and broke off.  The amount broke off was not really visible to an untrained eye, a very small piece indeed.  What is even more blessed for this machine and it’s owner, he had a replacement and it is now fixed!  Not an easy repair, but boy howdy, and amazing one if you ask me.


I saw this tumbler sitting on the table, and it was saying cheese big time, so I snapped a photo.  The owner saw me and told me how to get one of these.  She then showed me the ice in it from the day before and said the person who sells these will put the serial number of your singer on it with the date, or your name, which ever you prefer.  Is that not the coolest thing.  To have a 70 year old machine and a matching tumbler?  A nice compliment to any sewing desk by itself as it has a spill proof cap (provided you keep it closed).  The amazement continues!


Lovely gifted items Brough to the raffle table. I will have more details about this as well, so stay tuned!

And additionally, not sure about the amazement of this one, but I did do a toothbrush rug tutorial, big hair and all.  Much laughter about the hair thing in a previous class!  There are no pics as I suppose I could have taken selfies, but that would have been weird…. funny, but weird.  I don’t think any of us were selfie kind of gals, but I could be wrong.  I promised to make more sense of the toothbrush rug and will give links of all the info you need to start a rug, the stitches at the beginning to end.  Plus video links to all the ways to tame the fabric by ripping yards at a time in a fraction of a second.

Here is how to start a rug.

For the great fabric rip click here.  This is also where it shows you formally how to make the amish knot.  Note:  Her strips are ironed, I still refuse to iron stuff for a rug.

Here is another video of ripping and knotting by the rug maker herself Aunt Philly’s, more video perhaps explaining a bit more.

A video showing how to make your own toothbrush rug tool.

And if you are a written instruction kind of person, you can go here and print this off for future reference.  This is how I learned to start the rug.

There is much of Toga I have not shared.  Those will come in my following posts, probably over the weekend when I have time to sit down and edit my photos, so check back often.  If you are afraid you will forget, please subscribe to my blog.  Not sure about that, Bookmark my page and check back often…. MyQuiltProjects.wordpress.com site.

In a few other details, I have much to post on the Homefront.  A new kitten photo, tiny critter cuteness.  The drama quilting adventure pictures (I will need to get a video uploaded about longarming that one), and my brick road quilt leader ender that I am currently working on using my 221 featherweight.  Curious to see my previously uploaded youtube videos?  Click here to go to my channel, more will be added each week.

Well I am off to bath filthy children.  Have a great week!  And thanks for reading my blog!

North East Texas Treadle On Gathering Academy~Here I come!

Today Toga started in Lone Oak Texas.  I have signed up to do a demonstration of making a toothbrush rug.  I am sew excited!  Passing on as much knowledge to like minded individuals is what crafting is all about.

Want more specifics about toga?  I wrote a couple of posts last year when I attended.  Please read number 1 and number 2.

Due to computer maintenance, I cannot show you any thing new that I have been working on.  I have worked all my goals this week.  I aim to not only have a post about the happenings at Toga, but another video upload of free motion quilting, and progress on the Brick Street quilt.


I think I’m going to try to sell my vintage High Speed 69 Domestic brand machine.  We will see about the offers entertained tomorrow.  I have gathered huge piles of stuff for their effort at the end of toga.  An old shirtings quilt, nice and vintage, oodles of thread and thread containers, some knitting looms, a bolt of fabric…..the list goes on and on.

I am just now thinking I need to add my swap blocks to the pile.  Gosh I hope I don’t forget anything!  I plan on being there all day.  If the weather hails/tornados as they say it might, I may leave early.  We shall see.


Here is a picture of my finished block swap from last years toga.  Be looking for a post Sunday or Monday about my adventures in Lone Oak Texas.  Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog!
